Newsmap really is an awesome site, created by the folks of Marumushi.
As the name says for itself, it is a news site, but the way all the news is presented to us, by a color scheme and a size scheme, which refer to category of the news, the moment the news was posted and to the relevance of it, is completely innovative.
A very good idea! The site is worth many visits to keep yourself up-to-date on what's happening in the world. You can even select the news specific to some countries - US, Australia, Canada, France, Deutschland, Spain, India, Italia, New Zealand, etc. - just by clicking on the tabs on the top of the page.
Another site from the same folks that catch our eyes is flickr graph. Described as "an application that visualizes the social relationships inside flickr.com. It makes use of the classic attraction-repulsion algorithm for graphs. Start exploring your contacts by entering your flickr username or the email address you used to register there."