Vodafone has prepared an innovative marketing campaign in Portugal where they are asking people to sing along with a band of theirs, in metro stations around the country, so that the best singers can win a one-day ticket to go see the Rock in Rio Lisboa concerts, where bands like Jamiroquai, Guns n Roses, Shakira, Sting, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Carlos Santana, Da Weasel [Portugal], Ivete Sangalo [Brazil], Xutos e Pontapés [Portugal] and Rui Veloso [Portugal] are confirmed.
These duels will take place in three moments of the day - between 8:30 and 10:00, between 13:00 and 14:30 and between 18:00 and 19:30 and on the next dates
20 March 2006– Estação de Metro Bolhão, Porto
21 March – Trindade Metro Station, Porto
27 March – Cais do Sodré Metro Station, Lisboa
28 March – Alameda Metro Station, Lisboa
29 March – Campo Grande Metro Station, Lisboa
30 March – Cidade Universitária Metros Station, Lisboa
More on the Vodafone Portugal site [in portuguese]