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Here's an interesting product for city people who want a taste of the rural world. It was designed by Michael Kritzer for plusminorzero. Herbi is the fully adjustable hydroponic herb rack created in the style of plusminuszero* and it lets you grow your favorite herbs easily in your home. Simply place Herbi in a naturally well lit spot, such as the the kitchen counter, and Herbi will supply you with fresh, ready to pick herbs all year round.

Herbi also is very adjustable and low maintenance. Connect 1 - 6 Herbi plant silos to the Herbi control unit, fill the control units containers and Herbi is off and running for 1 plus months of hassle free operation.

Herbi can even communicate with you. Herbi was designed to autonomous operation but from time to time, averaging out to about once a month, the control units ph + , ph - , nutrient feed and water reserve must be replenished. Herbi lets you know when it needs assistance by lighting a light blue LED behind the corresponding icon on the Herbi control unit. After the needed solution is added, Herbi will detect the change and the light behind the icon will turn off.

' + ' icon represents hp +
' - ' icon represents ph -
' o ' icon represents nutrient feed
' ~ ' icon represents water

Ease of use is an important aspect of Herbi's operation. The process of interacting with every piece and unit of Herbi had to be easy to use and logical.

As a product designed for plusminuszero, Herbi needed to follow in the established aesthetics of the company. Simple, bold, and uniquely placed elements are the mantra of Herbi's design. Herbi also draws heavy inspiration from the old wheat and grain silos that were and still are spread throughout the rural plains of America. Also, the elegantly simple and dynamic movements of Japanese Architect Tado Ando work helped serve as a major inspiration for Herbi's form factor.

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