Job Posting
55DSL is looking for a Junior Lucky Bastard! The job is simple. You get to travel the world looking for cool stuff. When you find it, you film it, blog it and photograph it for the 55DSL website, you get a wage and 55DSL covers the costs.
Don't send a CV!
Last year 55DSL asked people to send in videos of themselves. This year they're accepting applications in any of the following formats:
Text - Journalism, creative writing, poetry whatever. If you think you can best express yourself in words then this is probably the format for you.
Images - Photos, art, design, advertisments etc. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it all depends on what you're trying to say.
Audio - Sing them a song, give them a speech, burp into a microphone, they really don't care. Send them your audio application and they'll consider it.
Video - They love videos so if you've got a great idea for a video application, film it and send it to them.
The closing date for applications is April 30th. Make sure your application is both interesting and entertaining and you'll increase your chances.
Good luck!