Can you survive for 24 hours without your computer?
Be a part of this global experiment to take place on the internet. The idea behind the experiment is to find out how many people can go without a computer for one whole day, and what will happen if we all participate!
I confess I don't know if I can do it, but for what I see on the site, there are more people saying that they can do it than people saying they can't. Maybe they are just liars... or not!
And you? Can you? Well, you just have to Shutdown your computer on 24th March 2007, the official Shutdown Day
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Ulamonge Blog started in 2003 as a source of inspirational links about street art, graffiti, graphic design, design, webdesign, product design, photography, t-shirts, pop culture, entertainment, the internet and life in general. Since then, we bring you the most interesting news and other stuff that we come across as we surf the net. We have been considered by many a reference as an art and design blog and an instrumental resource for the creative community