The Portuguese Lomographic Embassy is promoting a contest open to everyone. Send your drawings/ideas/photos/lomographies, etc, by post, e-mail [send it to concurso@lomografiaportugal.com] or bring it directly to the Embassies in Porto and Lisbon. The addresses can be found on the following link.
No subject: surprise them with your drawings, illustrations, photographies, text, lomographies, and no matter what comes to your mind! The results will be presented in two exhibits/parties (Lisbon and Porto). Deadline is April 9th 2007
The prizes include:
1st - LOMO Lca+ + Voo Planador (A glider’s flight experience) + 3 T-Shirts (with the winner’s sketch) + Puff Unique (costumized)
2nd - Fisheye 2 + A Sandra Guerreiro Bag + Diary 51% 2007
3rd - Super Sampler Dalek + Diary 51% 2007
So, keep those juices flowing and participate. See also the Lomo Fashion Shot challenge