What do you have inside of your pockets? What are you hiding inside the pockets of your bag? Well, the Face Your Pockets Project wants to know what you have there and wants to show the face of the owner of those objects, meaning YOU!
So, grab a scanner, and scan the objects along with your face, to send them a beautiful image of you and your objects. Your name, occupation, location and the list of the objects scanned should also be included along with the image. Take a look at all the images already sent to them. This is a very interesting project that caught our eyes.
In the same line of the Face Your Pockets Project, Flickr also allows its users to tag the photos uploaded with whatsinmybag or whatsinyourbag. So go take a peek at what many people around the world have in their bag.
And, if you have the time, you can also send us a picture of what you have inside of your bag. We would love to see it!