"United States of Whatever" is a comedy song written by Liam Lynch for his 2003 album Fake Songs. It was the only single released from that album. The song made its debut on Lynch's MTV comedy show Sifl and Olly in 1999. The song is about someone who ignores or is dismissive of various situations. He refers to his world as "my United States of Whatever".
The song achieved some success in countries like the UK and Australia, where it has charted in the top 10 of both singles charts (#10 and #6 respectively), and (until 2007) was the shortest song ever to hit these charts, beating the previous record held by The Vines for their single "Highly Evolved" in the same year. The song is one minute and twenty eight seconds long.
And here's a video of Liam Lynch performing the song with Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters, where Dave is playing the drums, live at a Foo Fighters show at the Universal Amphitheatre, Ca 04-17-03.
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