First trailer release for the documentary Eloquent Vandals shot at Nuart Festival in Stavanger Norway 2008. Featuring work and interviews from Dface, Nick Walker, Dolk, Pøbel, Herakut, Jimmy Cauty, Blek Le Rat, Sten & Lex, Wordtomother, Zeus, Know Hope, Graffiti Research Lab & Chris Stain. A nuart & Saft Production.
Ulamonge Blog started in 2003 as a source of inspirational links about street art, graffiti, graphic design, design, webdesign, product design, photography, t-shirts, pop culture, entertainment, the internet and life in general. Since then, we bring you the most interesting news and other stuff that we come across as we surf the net. We have been considered by many a reference as an art and design blog and an instrumental resource for the creative community