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BaseKit throws down the gauntlet for budding web designers

Web design software developer BaseKit has teamed up with iStockphoto to launch a competition for web designers and Photoshop enthusiasts alike. The prizes include: shiny new Apple iPads, Wacom Tablets and a stack of credits for iStockphoto. The challenge: to create a tasty original website design using BaseKit.

The competition is live now, and entries can be submitted up until 2nd May 2010. After this, the judges will deliberate over the entries and create a shortlist, from which the eventual winners will be selected.
Judges include Jay Hathaway, a blogger for AOL’s tech news website Download Squad, and Oliver Lindberg, deputy editor of .NET magazine, as well as Ian Harding of iStockphoto, and members of the BaseKit team.

“BaseKit has been in beta for a couple of months now,” said Richard Best, a founder of BaseKit. “We’ve had some excellent feedback from early adopters, and we’ve made tweaks here and there accordingly. Now it’s time to open up the arena to all web designers, to really see what they can do with BaseKit as a design tool.”

BaseKit is web design software which is based in an internet browser. It lets designers upload Photoshop PSD files as templates for the site’s design, then drop ‘widgets’ onto the design from within the editor to add anything from text windows to RSS feeds. Widgets can be customised using built in options, or edited in more detail with the drop-down CSS console. Designers can preview their sites live in their browser, and then publish them instantly, without having to worry about FTP content.

To enter the competition, all you have to do is build a website on BaseKit and then submit it to the judges through the BaseKit website. To sign up for a BaseKit account and start building your award-winning site click HERE.

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