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Street Art and Reality on Hanbury Street, London

"Joe Deane, Joseph Loughborough and Ben Slow paint on Hanbury Street, Brick Lane. Ben and Joe paint a piece called "Ma o Shishu" or mother and child from a photograph I found in a book about photography and its power to change in South Asia. Their piece changed the street. Everyone who passed - young and old, local or tourist - responded very warmly to it. As did the restaurant owner who owns the wall. But there was another hidden story just behind the painting...of destitution and homelessness in London. 21st century London.

Joseph painted with amazing speed and created two striking pieces one of which lasted only a few weeks before someone decided to make it their private property.

This video is part of a larger project on Brick Lane seen through art and artists.

Filmed March 2010. Music by Moka Only"

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