A Short Film Collaboration
directed by: Nathan Meier and Malia Scharf
artwork by: Kenny Scharf
music: "Driving the Monkey to the Airport" by Monsters From Mars - monstersfrommars.com/
edited by: Bec Stupak
Filmed in New York, Los Angeles and at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA) in conjunction with the exhibition Art in the Streets - moca.org
Made at the Levi's Film Workshop - workshops.levi.com
Executive Producer: Jonathan Wells
Shot by Nathan Meier, Norbert Sheih, Harry Geller
Film Colorist: Alen de Los Santos
Thanks: Moritz Rechenberg, Dave Taga, Kenji Hayasaki, Mandeep, Lidia Meier, Tony Frere, David Koh, David Morgan, Terry Spraker, Linda Wissmath, Andre Morton, Steve Anker.
Learn about the Kenny Scharf feature-length documentary film: