Two weeks ago, the L.A. street artist Revok ended his six-month prison sentence amid fans pushing for his release. Revok was one of the participating artists in the groundbreaking 'Art in the Streets' MOCA exhibit -- then was promptly jailed by the Los Angeles Police Department for failing to pay restitution to plaintiffs and victims of his graffiti in a long-standing suit dating back to 2010.
Now he's out, but still faces a mound of legal fees and an exorbitant bail, set at a cool third of a million. In the mean time, his friends have come together to lend him a hand, and help him get back on his feet.
Thierry Guetta, a.k.a. Mr. Brainwash, the elusive and controversial subject of Banksy's Exit through the Gift Shop, has created a limited-edition art print entitled Never Give Up, dedicated to Revok. Guetta tells LA Weekly that the proceeds from the sales of the work will function as a general supporting fund for Revok -- "bail, apartment, whatever he needs."
The print features a dilapidated L.A. storefront, washed over with graffiti art and emblazoned with the words, "never never never never give up!" It's Guetta's message to Revok that he still has artistic, if not institutional, support on his own turf. Guetta hopes that other artists will join him in this venture, to completely pay off Revok's bills. At any rate, Revok will get at least $30,000 from the proceedings -- enough to get a head start on dealing with his debt.
As for Mr. Brainwash, he's hoping that if times get tough, someday Revok might be able to repay the favor. "Sometimes we do illegal stuff," he comments, sounding worried. "Maybe one day, it's him who will get me out of somewhere."
Never Give Up prints go on sale this Wednesday, June 22, for $400 on
Mr. Brainwash's online store.
LA Weekly blogs by Sophie Duvernoy