Following the 500k+view success of Ken Block's DiRT 3 Battersea Gymkhana video, we're excited to release this stunning new footage of his spectacular run at Battersea Power Station, as filmed through a tilt-shift lens. The tilt-shift lens creates the effect of a miniaturised world as Ken Block performs a masterclass in car control around the iconic London landmark which was turned into the DC Compound -- a level from DiRT 3 set at Battersea Powerstation.
Music Track Information:
"New Cities (Featuring Kiki Hitomi)"
Performed by Starkey and Kiki Hitomi
Written by P J Geissinger and Kiki Hitomi.
All masters owned by Planet Mu
Used by permission from P J Geissinger and Kiki Hitomi
Dirt 3 is now available for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC Games For Windows LIVE