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Impetus - a group exhibition at the University of Arizona

Group Exhibition: Impetus
University of Arizona Museum of Art - Jospeh Gross Gallery - Tuscon, Arizona, USA
Curated by Thinkspace Gallery (LA)

On view: Sept. 6th – Nov. 9th, 2011
Opening Reception: Thurs, Sept. 8th 5-6:30PM

The Joseph Gross Gallery at the University of Arizona
1031 N. Olive Road, Tucson, AZ 85721
Supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, Lionel Romach Endowment and University of Arizona School of Art
For directions and more information, please visit: http://web.cfa.arizona.edu/galleries/

Featuring new works from: Kelly Allen, Brett Amory, Seth Armstrong, Ana Bagayan, David Bray, Liz Brizzi, Catherine Brooks, Adam Caldwell, David Cooley, Ekundayo, Jacub Gagnon, HOW and NOSM, Duncan Jago, Timothy Karpinski, Jen Lobo, David MacDowell, Pedro Matos, Tran Nguyen, Kevin Peterson, Jeff Ramirez, Allison Sommers, Linnea Strid, Jason Thielke, Yosuke Ueno, Kelly Vivanco, PLUS a special mural installation from DABS MYLA

Impetus (‘impɪtəs) -n, pl-tuses 1. an impelling movement or force; incentive or impulse; stimulus 2. the force that sets a body in motion or that tends to resist changes in a body’s motion

"Thinkspace is honored to have the chance to showcase our resident artists to the student body and faculty of the University of Arizona along with the residents of Tucson as a whole. With ‘Impetus’ we aim to shed light on the burgeoning New Contemporary Art Movement that was birthed in Los Angeles and continues to spread out the world over, gaining momentum and winning over new devotees at an astounding rate. With roots firmly planted in illustration, pop culture imagery, comics, street art and graffiti, put quite simply the New Contemporary Art Movement is art for the people. One doesn’t need a degree or bring home a six-figure income to enjoy and collect the works of artists that come from this movement. This exciting and challenging movement is showcased in ‘Impetus’ via the works of 25 artists who create within a wide array of styles. Come discover your new favorite artist and find out why Thinkspace is regarded as one of the torch bearers of the New Contemporary Movement."

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