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ROA x Stop Over

ROA x Stop Over from Colin M Day on Vimeo.

Belgian-born artist ROA is a muralist and artist renowned for his giant black and white
animals, painted with rollers and spray paint, can be found in every major cities of the

ROA approaches his gallery work in a completely different way than the work he does on walls in the wild. Like a caged animal, he appropriates the space and makes it his own. For this exhibition, the artist’s first solo gallery show in Belgium, ROA has transformed the whole gallery into a giant installation of curiosity cabinets.

Like Charles Darwin before him, this is an opportunity for this artist-naturalist to show
the result of years of travelling on every continent, his research on the complex
relationship between Man, Nature and Time.


MUSIC - SoomT & Disrupt "Dirty Money (Acid Crunk remix)" By An-Ten-Ae
DOWNLOAD the track here - soundcloud.com/an-ten-nae/soomt-and-disrupt-dirty-money

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