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'' D O M E '' Kenor & H101 Berlin 2013

'' D O M E '' Kenor & H101 Berlin 2013 from kenor on Vimeo.

''D O M E ''

"We are always looking for abandoned spaces to intervene, with history, essence. Special places, that after their destruction still have life. The passage of time.
And when we found ''Teufelsberg" in Berlin, one of the last traces of the Cold War espionage, we started to work on one of its four domes, built of small polygonal triangles. The challenge was difficult, being able to build and interact with the base of a structure and its already established form.
Teufelsberg was a complex in ruins seated on a mountain filled with ruins, that moved there with the intention of covering forever the remains of another building, which for its strength in construction could not become... ruins.
But the accumulation of debris was growing at such a pace, that the flat plot gradually rose to become the highest mountain in Berlin
Since 1957 the hill was also used by the American and British secret services. The NSA, National Security Agency built a listening station on top of this mountain, associated to the global ECHELON spy network, and it became one of the largest bases of electronic surveillance during the time of the Cold War. While the German and European Division lasted, the U.S. Army maintained at Teufelsberg electronic surveillance headquarters.
Today the abandoned spy base shows the remains of buildings and radar domes.
From there, the American services could decrypt the broadcasts from the former GDR, and even Poland. Watching the military movements of the Warsaw Pact in eastern Germany and Europe.
After the fall of the wall, it was used as a monitoring station of civil aviation for another two years, after which the facilities were finally abandoned in 1991." - the authors

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