MASTHEAD [mast-hed, mahst-], noun - a statement printed in all issues of a newspaper, magazine, or the like, usually on the editorial page, giving the publication's name, the names of the owner and staff, etc. - in this case, the main header graphic at the top of our site.
We want to present your work to our readers and so we would like you to be responsible for our next masthead. We know we are visited by artists, and creative people who love art, design and photography, so we hope to see very creative works. It is one more way for new illustrators, designers and artists to promote their portfolio sites, profiles and such. We can get you some exposure to a crowd who loves art, photography and design, so send us some interesting and creative work.
Submit your design for our Masthead to:
ulamongedesigns [at] ulamongedesigns [dot] com
1000px by 200px
72 dpi
.jpg or .gif
Text to Include:
ulamonge blog (required)
street art (optional)
design (optional)
photography (optional)
pop culture (optional)
internet (optional)
Artist Credit:
Along with your design, make sure the email includes the name you want credited and the url address to your website or profile. You’re welcome to stay anonymous, or not list your site as well, if you want it.
So be creative and try to be faithful to the blog. We look forward to feature and to promote your work.