Eulda is the high-profile graphic design award scheme that rewards the best projects in Europe in the field of logo design. The winners are selected by an international three-tier jury consisting of 10 top design professionals, 10 marketing managers from major international clients and finally 10 members of the public (provided respectively by the worldwide established organizations BEDA, Aquent and Consumers International).
For Eulda '07, any logo printed, published or visible online between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006 is eligible.
Eulda is open to European designers, studios, agencies and their clients living or working within Europe. All entrants may submit as many works as they wish. Any country within the geographical definition of Europe (including the UK, all Scandinavian countries, all EU countries, etc) is considered European for the purposes of Eulda.
European citizenship is not a requirement for designers and a European HQ is not a requirement for clients.
Students are eligible for the competition. Student work will be judged by the same criteria and juries as any other professional work submitted.
All the entries must be original creations or property of the designer, design firm or any individual submitting the design piece.
Entry Fees are as follows:
1 logo € 72 (VAT included)
2 logos € 120 (VAT included)
3 or more logos € 48 each ((VAT included)
No extra fees will be requested when an award is won. There is a 20% discount for members of the associations that endorse Eulda. Discounts are not cumulative. A late fee of € 25 per entry will be imposed on entries received after May 18, 2007. No entries sent after May 28, 2007 will be accepted.
The deadline for submitting entries is May 18, 2007. All late registrations will incur an additional € 25 on top of the registration fee. No entries sent after May 28, 2007 will be accepted.